Chapter House


This site is dedicated to our 1,600 Cal Poly Delta Sig alumni since 1950, and to our undergraduate Brothers!

One of our goals is to keep our alumni connected and informed about alumni, undergraduate member, Chapter, and University news, issues, and events.

Another goal is to guide and better the University/fraternal experience of our undergraduate Brothers. We provide alumni oversight of Chapter operations, and fund and promote leadership training, scholarships, and character-enhancing programs.

We supplement Cal Poly's excellent "Learn By Doing" approach to student development with a great "Lab On Life" for personal growth. This adds value to a student's University experience - and builds a strong network of close friendships for life.

Special News Items

Alumni Reunion Update

Our 2024 Delta Sig Reunion and Brotherhood Gathering will be held from Thursday, May 9th, through Saturday, May 11th, in San Luis Obispo. Alumni, undergraduate Brothers, their dates, and their families are warmly invited! Please click on Event Calendar to view reunion details, including discounted room rates at the venue hosting the Reunion / Brotherhood Dinner.

Fall Recruitment

Fall 2023 undergraduate recruitment begins on October 2nd, 2023! Contact Hunter Potemri at Learn more about what we offer by clicking Our Chapter Today!

Poly P Scholarship

Poly P Scholarship SLO Delta Sig alumni established a philanthropic scholarship program in 2012, the “Poly P Scholarship”. This program provides our alumni with a collective means of giving-back to our alma mater and its student body while honoring our older DSP Brothers who designed and built the present hillside “P” in 1957. To date DSP alumni and their wives have given $21,500 directly to non-fraternal and non-sorority students based upon merit and need. Non-Greek, first year students equally share in educational award opportunities.

The 2023 competition begins on Sunday, October 1, and runs through Wednesday, November 15, at midnight.

Those interested in this program can access the on-line application and related scholarship information at, or use the following links.

The photo of the "P" is from DSP archives and shows a 1981 DSP undergrad work-day on the hillside icon.

- Scholarship Information

- Scholarship Application

- Poly P Patrons and Judges

Web Site - Chairman: Chris “Yabut” Patterson, W’73,